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El Paso County Colorado District 49

FHS students in the hunt for scholarship programs

Three Falcon High School seniors have advanced to the semi-final round of either the National Merit Scholarship Program or the Boettcher Scholarship Program, or both: Mitchell Carroll, Bradley Sain and Kit Bernal.Mitchell CarrollWhen he applied for the Boettcher Scholarship Program, Mitchell Carroll said he was asked about his leadership and service work. He included his work through the Boy Scouts program and the National Honor Society at Falcon High School.ìThereís a pool of about 1,400 students that was reduced down to 300 semi-finalists,î Carroll said. ìIíll need to get letters of recommendation, and then theyíll announce the 100 finalists; and then will award the scholarship to 40 of them.î The total amount each student receives is based on the school of choice but the scholarship covers tuition, room and board and text books, he said.The Boettcher Scholarship applies to any in-state college or university so Carroll said he is focused on the University of Colorado Boulder, where he would like to study mechanical engineering. ìIíd like to go into the automotive industry and help design parts for engines,î he said. Additionally, Carroll said he plans to do a two-year mission through his church before or during his college career.ìI would like to get the scholarship because it would allow me to focus more on my education, which would lead to more career opportunities,î Carroll said.Bradley SainThe National Merit Scholarship Program contacted Bradley Sain based on his score on the preliminary SAT test he took as a junior. They offered him the opportunity to apply for the scholarship. If he gets the scholarship, heíll receive $2,500, which could increase if his school of choice adds to that amount, Sain said.ìIím pretty sure Iíd like to go to the University of Colorado Boulder, but Iím not 100 percent sure on that,î Sain said. ìIíve also applied to the Colorado School of Mines and Texas A&M University. Iím not sure what I want to study yet, but I want to do something in math or science.îOne major benefit that Sain anticipates if he receives the scholarship is the financial help it will provide. ìItís a national award, so it also kind of lets you know who you are on a national scale,î he said.Kit BernalKit Bernal is a semi-finalist for both the National Merit Scholarship Program and the Boettcher Scholarship Program. Her future plans, including college, depend on whether she receives one or both scholarships, she said.ìItís been pretty hard to commit to anything, but if I donít get the Boettcher Scholarship, I donít think Iíll stay in-state,î Bernal said. ìI want to study art history and go into museum curation. I want to get a lot of new viewpoints.îGetting either scholarship would be exciting because she would have the chance to go to a school that might not have been a possibility otherwise, she said. ìI think it would make me take my education a little more seriously knowing that I was given these opportunities, and that I would need to make something extra out of it.îBernal said she has applied to many different schools but her top picks out-of-state are the Santa Fe University of Art and Design in New Mexico and the University of California Santa Cruz. Her in-state picks are Denver University or Colorado State University, she said.ìI was really lucky in that my family was always very encouraging of learning and art and learning a lot about new horizons,î Bernal said. ìI went to a lot of museums as a kid, and I want to be able to foster that love for other kids.î

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