Falcon High School boasted three recipients of the prestigious NCWIT Aspirations in Computing awards.The three CyberPatriot members, Cora Gottbehuet, Chloe Liwanag and Kiana Harkema, received their award April 26 at the University of Colorado Boulder.The NCWIT Award for Aspirations in Computing honors young women active and interested in computing and technology, and encourages them to pursue their passion.†All three recipients have been participating in CyberPatriot competition for at least two years. Cora Gottbehuet will attend college and major in business. Chloe Liwanag is in 11th gradel; and, along with Kiana Harkema, who is in 10th grade, will continue with CyperPatriot, learning new skills next year.Last year, 10 female students competed for FHS; and, for the first time, an all-female team competed at the top level.The students will use their award to help promote the benefits of CyberPatriot, and to recruit other females interested in the field of Cyber Security.
FHS computing awards
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