At the Oct. 20 meeting of the Falcon Fire Protection District Board, the FFPD recognized the completion of a new fire station, authorized the remodeling of another station, observed the swearing in of a new firefighter and discussed next year’s budget.Fire Chief Trent Harwig also swore in new firefighter Travis Gennette.Treasurers’ reportThe chief reported that as the end of September, 75% of the fiscal year had been completed. He announced that the general fund had received 96% of its budgeted revenues and had spent 67% of its budgeted expenditures. The ambulance transport fund was at 82% of budgeted revenues and had expended 62% of its budgeted expenditures. The capital projects fund was at 35% of revenues and 42% of the expenditures. That budget imbalance was remedied later in the evening with the approval of another lease purchase agreement. There was no activity in the rural water fund. The chief said it looked like there would be no need to amend the budget because revenues and expenditures were balancing out.OperationsThere were 124 medical transports in September. Jon Webb, Emergency Services chief, said the district would follow the county guidelines in dealing with COVID-19 and encourage the wearing of masks, but they would not enforce a mask mandate. There were 288 fire calls in September and the average response time was four minutes and 41 seconds.Attorney’s reportAttorney Jane Fritsche reported that she had a positive meeting with county staff and the sheriff’s office concerning the transfer of property at station 1 from the district to the county for a sheriff’s substation. She said the county will have to get a subdivision exemption for the parcel and no work would be done on the site until the county owned the parcel. She said the district will have an access and maintenance easement agreement with the county. A temporary building will be erected on the site until a permanent building can be built.New station 3The chief stated that the new station 3 had been completed, and they had received a certificate of occupancy. The only big item remaining was the flagpole, along with a few minor items. The board voted to make the final payment on station 3 of $172,000 on Oct. 29.Remodeling of old station 3The board approved a development lease purchase option agreement with Farmer’s State Bank of Calhan in the amount of $4,221,905 for the remodeling of old station 3 into an administration building. The board had previously approved a contract with iiCon Construction to do the work. The administrative offices will be temporarily moved into the new station 3 until the remodeling is completed. The November board meeting will be in the old station 3 but the meeting the following month will be held at station 1.New budgetThe board had their first discussion of the proposed $8,244,000 budget. The mil levy rate in the proposed budget is 14.886, the same as this year. Therefore, any property tax increase would come from appreciated property values. The chief said the preliminary figures could change as much or as little as necessary before the budget is finalized. The board scheduled a budget hearing for Dec. 8.
FFPD ó plenty going on
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