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Falcon Fire Protection District (FFPD)

FFPD meeting focused on sheriff substation

The Falcon Fire Protection District held its monthly board meeting Feb. 16. All board members were present except for Ray Hawkins and Mike Collins, who joined via telephone.Swearing inJason Derra, a new member of FFPD, was sworn in at the start of the meeting.OperationsThe FFPD received 408 calls in the month of January. Between the increase in calls in December and January, the numbers could have affected response times but that didnít happen. Three more paramedics have been added to Station 1. COVID-19 emergency calls have significantly declined throughout the county.Sheriffís new buildingWith the FFPD attorney, Joan Fritsche, and Jacqueline Reed from the El Paso County Sheriffís Office present, a majority of the board meeting focused on the additional building that will house the sheriffís substation. The land where Station 1 is located was subdivided to the sheriffís office. Chief Trent Harwig said everything has been set in place for the board to authorize and sign the Track 36 exemption plat and the conveyance of Track B to El Paso County, along with an agreement for an easement deed and easement agreement. Stay connected with the Falcon Fire Protection DistrictWebsite: http://www.falconfirepd.orgFacebook: Falcon Fire DepartmentTwitter:

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