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Letters to the Editor

FFPD issues not addressed

When will the truth come out? While I do not agree with all of the actions of this or the previous board, I have come to understand from personal discussions with members of the community that there are several questions that have not been addressed.First, the Equal Employment Opportunity complaint was correct in that the test administered to the firefighters was not administered according to the policy of the department and in direct violation of a directive from the fire chief to not administer the test.Secondly, although the investigation was handled poorly, it is my understanding that some of the policy violations were severe enough to warrant dismissal of some of the command staff in the department. Where is the furor over this behavior?Thirdly, KRDO news station representatives have a personal relationship with some of the principals in this issue and have no incentive to report the complete story. The “angry crowd” (as described by KRDO) represents a small minority of the 25,000 residents of the Falcon Fire Protection District.There are other unaddressed aspects of this debacle, and I pray that the objective journalists in our community will pursue the truth. Please help stop the nonsense and do what is best for the fire department and the community. Allowing a few rabble-rousers to disrupt the operation of the department through threats and innuendo is not in the best interest of the community.Sincerely,Tony Aust

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