Falcon Fire Protection District
Falcon Fire Protection District (FFPD)

FFPD Board Meeting Wrap-up

FFPD board meeting wrap-up

The Falcon Fire Protection District held its regular board meeting Sept. 20 at the FFPD administration building at 7030 Old Meridian Road. Directors Jim Reid, Tom Kerby, Steve Podoll and Ray Hawkins were present, along with Fire Chief Trent Harwig. Joan Fritsche, legal counsel for the district teleconferenced in.

Swearing in ceremony

Harwig swore in Sarah Orta as a paramedic. Her husband pinned on her badge.

Treasurer’s report

Harwig reported that 66% of the fiscal year was complete as of Aug. 31. The general fund received 96% of its budgeted revenues — specific ownership tax is at 62%; due to the economy, it dropped slightly. Expenditures across all fund categories were at 56%. The ambulance transport fund has received 73% of the budgeted revenues, with transport fees at 65%. Total expenditures are 63%. The capital projects fund was at 59% of budgeted revenue. The rural water fund had no activity.

Reid commented that with the growth, the department should look into a permanent training facility. In terms of timing, Harwig agreed and mentioned that the budget process was coming up; he will have a preliminary budget to the board by October.

Staff/operations reports

Deputy Chief Jeff Petersma reported that the department had 342 calls in July. There were a total 2,236 calls year to date; 1,770 were within their own district and the rest were mutual aid and automatic aid calls, most of which are with Cimarron Hills and Ellicott.

Petersma mentioned that the ladder truck committee’s purpose was to design a ladder truck that could also function as an engine, if needed. It’s not its primary goal, but a secondary purpose with an ability to easily function as a fire engine. The committee visited Nebraska and Minnesota, both the cabin chassis plant and body plant. Petersma said the committee is expecting an updated diagram and specifications. Next week, the team will visit the plant for a midpoint inspection. Petersma said there are discounts available for prepaying the chassis and aerial. The contract will be written as a 660-day bill but the factory anticipates 500 days.

Kerby commented that thanks to Harwig, who had the foresight to set up the capital projects fund, the department is always able to prepay for equipment and save money by utilizing prepay discounts.

Maintenance building

Harwig said plans were submitted through the EDARP (Electronic Development Application Review Program) and minor comments came back that were being resolved. A Request for Bids will be published in the legal section of The Gazette. RFP packets were available as well as non-mandatory onsite pre-submittal meetings in September. The sealed bids must be back by Nov. 8; the committee would like to make a recommendation to the board by Nov. 15. Hopefully, by the end of November, the department will have a signed contract in place. The design phase will begin at that time.

2024 budget

Harwig said he would present a preliminary budget by Oct. 15. The budget will be prepared under an assumption that Proposition HH does not pass. Harwig explained how current law governs for the next two years. Kerby made a motion to adopt a resolution on Proposition HH that unanimously passed so the resolution could be published in the October issue of The New Falcon Herald.

Vacant board position candidates

There were three qualified candidates for the vacancy on the FFPD Board: Dan Kupferer, Michael Gates and Wayne Krzemien. Each presented their background information for the board’s consideration. Reid thanked all candidates for their interest and complimented their qualifications. The board unanimously chose Dan Kupferer to fill the vacancy.

Stay connected with the Falcon Fire Protection District

Website: http://www.falconfirepd.org

Facebook: Falcon Fire Department

Twitter: @FalconFireDept


RESOLUTION NO. 9-20-2023-1



WHEREAS, the vast majority of local governments, but not the State of Colorado, levy a property tax to support essential public services and infrastructure;

WHEREAS, special districts are more dependent on property tax revenue than any other type of local government, as it is often their primary or even sole source of revenue;

WHEREAS, inflation from 2020 to 2023 has increased by nearly 18 percent and special districts have not benefitted from increased sales and use tax receipts to offset increased costs of labor, materials, and services;

WHEREAS, special districts played a historic role in responding to the demands of the COVID-19 pandemic, but received few, if any, federal relief funds;

WHEREAS, Proposition HH will mandate reductions in local property taxes for at least ten years, resulting in billions of dollars of lost revenue for local governments without any reduction in service obligations;

WHEREAS, Proposition HH will increase the State’s TABOR spending limit, allowing the State to spend billions of dollars more than it did before, while placing a property tax revenue limit lower than allowed by TABOR on local governments;

WHEREAS, the ballot question for Proposition HH indicates that local governments will be reimbursed from state funds for lost property tax revenue, but that those reimbursements are a small percentage of the billions of dollars more that the State will retain, and that most special districts will be ineligible for reimbursements early in the ten-year period of Proposition HH;

WHEREAS, special districts have worked with their local voters to propose and approve property taxes, or to retain and spend revenues therefrom, to support services, facilities and infrastructure needed and desired by the community and, more generally, to support public health, welfare, and safety; and

WHEREAS, Proposition HH undermines the short- and long-range planning efforts of Colorado’s special districts that are necessary to absorb inflationary pressures, to increase salaries and compensation for employees, to support existing and grow new public programs, to construct and maintain government infrastructure, and to respond to the needs and emergencies of Colorado’s communities.


  1. It is the position of the Board of Directors of the Falcon Fire Protection District that special districts and their constituents are best suited to determine the revenues necessary to meet the needs, expectations, and demands of the communities they serve.
  • The Board of Directors recognizes that special districts are accountable to their local voters, who may take action if the taxes they pay are not warranted for the services, facilities, and infrastructure provided by special districts in their communities.
  • The District will see an immediate drop in its property tax revenue of over One Million Dollars in just the first year Proposition HH is implemented. The District’s largest General Fund expense is payroll and benefits for its employees who serve the community.  New ladder trucks cost over One Million Dollars.  The District relies on property tax revenue to fund its operations and capital reserves. 
  • For the reasons set forth above, the Board of Directors concludes that Proposition HH diminishes the long term ability of the Falcon Fire Protection District to provide vital services, including fire suppression, fire prevention, emergency medical, ambulance, emergency rescue and hazardous materials services to the citizens and property within its jurisdiction, and to individuals passing through its jurisdiction.  Services that the public needs, expects, and demands; and, therefore, the Board strongly urges a NO vote on Proposition HH at the statewide election on November 7, 2023.

APPROVED AND ADOPTED this 20th day of September, 2023 by the Board of Directors of the Falcon Fire Protection District. 

 James Reid, President
Thomas Kerby, Assistant Secretary
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