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Falcon Fire Protection District (FFPD)

FFPD August board meeting wrap-up

The Falcon Fire Protection District Board of Directors held their regular meeting Aug. 20. All directors were present.Treasurerís reportFire Chief Trent Harwig reported that, with 58 percent of the fiscal year complete, the district has received 94 percent of its budgeted revenue for the year. The total year-to-date expenses are 60 percent of the budgeted amount, he said.Although it is anticipated that the district will come in under budget for expenditures, there are some major expenses left to pay, Harwig said. Currently, vehicle maintenance is $2,000 over budget, with four months of the year remaining; and, there was $5,000 worth of repairs (for front end springs and tires) that did not show up on the report, he said.Chiefís reportHarwig reported that the 2013 final audit has been filed with the state of Colorado, and meets all statutory requirements. He said the auditorís opinion stated that all the financials of each major fund and the changes in the financial position for the year were in accordance with all accounting principles. No discrepancies or concerns were noted.The districtís organizational chart and the new job descriptions for two positions were available for the directors to review. He noted that the new fire marshal position will be changing to a full-time position as of Sept. 1.Pension board meetingThe board briefly adjourned their regular meeting for a closed pension board meeting. During that meeting, Harwig said he received a letter of intent from FFPD director Michael Collins to serve as the trustee on the pension board. The directors unanimously approved the appointment.Harwig reported that the pension fund showed $668,257 at the beginning of 2014. He said that, after six months, the fund has paid out $44,643. At the end of the year, $31,340 will be put into the pension fund, and the numbers are showing a healthy pension fund, Harwig said.Attorneyís reportDuring his report, board attorney Rick Shearer said the intergovernmental agreement between the El Paso County Emergency Services Authority and several of the fire districts in the area has a few problems that need to be addressed by the FFPD. He said since ESA has partnered with American Medical Response and since FFPD already has AMR as their ambulance service, the IGA needs to be amended before the district signs it. Shearer said it would be easier that way, rather than changing the entire agreement.Shearer also said that he and Harwig had been working on the terms of the chiefís contract renewal. Because Shearer is the attorney for the district ó and Harwig is not his client ó he suggested an executive session without Harwig to discuss the terms of the contract. The executive session took place; and, following the board meeting, Harwig said the board had signed another multiyear contract with him.The next regular meeting of the FFPD is Sept. 17 at 4 p.m. in the meeting room at FFPD headquarters.

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