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Falcon Fire Protection District (FFPD)

FFPD April board meeting

The Falcon Fire Protection District’s April board meeting focused on the May 8 elections.May 2012 election updateLeon Gomes, designated election official, explained the election certification timeline constraints. He said in a perfect election with no provisional ballots the results could be certified as early as May 16, in time for the regular May board meeting.However, Gomes said the state statute requires that provisional ballots are the last ones counted. Provisional ballots require a signature or a copy of the voter’s identification card, he said. If a provisional ballot doesn’t have the required signature or ID copy, the voter has until May 18 to bring the necessary information to fire station 3. In that event, the canvas board that certifies the election results cannot meet until May 22.Ultimately, the board agreed to wait until the June board meeting to swear in new members, rather than hold a special meeting.FPPA Deferred Compensation PlanBattalion Chief Vernon Champlin presented information on the Fire & Police Pension Association Deferred Compensation Plan 457. Under the plan, there is no cost to the district; however, the plan allows employees to designate money from their paychecks to an account they use for retirement savings, Champlin said. FPPA 457 does not require an employer match on the amount an employee deposits. The board voted unanimously to adopt FPPA 457.Training lieutenant job descriptionChamplin also discussed the new position the FFPD has proposed. The training lieutenant position would not require the district to hire anyone new, he said. Instead, the position would involve current lieutenants on a rotating basis.ìThe objective of this position would be to provide a uniform delivery of training methods and a focus on developing training standards for the crews,î Champlin said. The position would assist Glenn Levy, part-time division chief of training.Board members had questions about the position so it was tabled until the May meeting.Other newsThe district is still ironing out wrinkles caused by the adoption of the 2009 International Fire Code, Champlin said. The district will likely revise the proposed amendments and then meet with the other special districts to include their input before returning to the El Paso County Board of County Commissioners.The district received a $1,182 grant to purchase ìred and blueî first aid bags and equipment, Champlin said. The district will now have two full first aid sets at fire stations 1 and 3.The status of the health and wellness committee was postponed until the new board members are seated.

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