After a year of monthly safety lessons, Woodmen Hills Elementary School second-graders enjoyed a bike rodeo hosted by the Falcon Fire Protection District.ìThe bike rodeo is our annual event to finish off the second grade school year and to remind students that a lot of people/adults care about their safety,î wrote firefighter Matt Gibbs in an e-mail to The New Falcon Herald.Gibbs said the FFPD worked with the three largest elementary schools in Falcon School District 49 to put together the monthly lessons and end-of-the-year bike rodeos at each school.The WHES bike rodeo took place May 17 in the parking lot behind the school. Multiple firefighters and parent volunteers were on hand to monitor and ensure the kids’ safety. Participating students brought their bikes and helmets and learned and practiced bike safety lessons.The safety lessons were taught at the following stations: check/fix your bike; straight line/control practice; serpentine/zig zag practice; crowded intersection practice; and slow/balancing control. Several fifth-grade students manned the stations and helped direct the participants.As a surprise for the students, the FFPD coordinated with Flight for Life through Penrose Hospital to have a helicopter fly over the school and land in an open field. The students were treated to another health and safety lesson and received a quick tour of the helicopter.