It was a dark and dreary night ÖBut not for Cayci Luiten, the winner of the first round of our fiction writing contest. And the story begins now.It was a dark and dreary night in the sleepy town of Falcon, Colorado, a town known for its beautiful horse ranches and western scenery. There was a young girl peacefully sleeping safe and sound in one of those ranches known as the Sidney Horse Ranch.This young girlís name was Judy, Judy Domage. Judy was a 10-year-old girl whose big sister was the world famous explorer, Sidney Domage. Judy did not like big crowds and did not like anything besides dogs, horses, French Toast and going on new adventures like her sister. Judy got her name after her sister explored the treacherous abandoned mine called Judy’s mine.†It was about midnight at the Sidney Horse Ranch when Judy was awakened by the sound of twigs being trampled on out in the breezy night. Judy was sure it was some sort of animal. As she kicked off her horse covered sheets, she quickly strolled across the old ranch bedroom floor to the window, making sure that she didn’t wake anybody. The hallway was as dark as night, except for the plugged in nightlight at the end of the hallway.†When Judy opened the frost covered window, she couldn’t see what kind of hideous creature awaited her eyes as soon as they focused. Soon as her eyes focused, she collapsed in terror of what creature stood outside her window, ready to attack.†To be continued ÖDo you have an imaginative mind and consider yourself a fine wordsmith? Submit the next 200 words of the story started above to enter our 2011 writing contest. If your prose is selected, win a gift card to a local business and your word finery will be published in the next month of the NFH. The story will go on for six months, so confine your paragraphs to the logical next part of the story line. Submit your words to by February 15. Questions? E-mail deb@newfalconherald or call 719-487-8037.