Do you have a New Years Resolution?Do you have an opinion on whether or not Falcon should incorporate?This month marks the first anniversary of the NFH. Do you think we should remain a monthly newspaper or increase to twice a month or weekly?Walt Stewart: I live my life by following certain principles and values and would like to maintain that, so that’s my resolution. On Falcon incorporating, I believe it’s inevitable and in our best interest to control our own destiny. I enjoy the NFH and think publishing the paper twice a month would be great!Cindy Jones: My New Years resolution is to have regular Bible study and quiet time. I recently moved here from California and went through the incorporating process there. It was a definite plus for our town. A local paper twice a month would be worthwhile.Suzanne Messenger: My New Years resolution is become more proficient using different computer applications. As far as Falcon incorporating goes, I think there are a lot of valid reasons to do it but I also understand the negatives too. I guess I’m still on the fence with this issue. The New Falcon Herald should definitely go bi-monthly.Dayla Thompson: I haven’t thought about a New Years resolution. As far as Falcon incorporating goes, I think it would be good so we can do a better job of controlling growth especially when it comes to the schools. I like the NFH as a monthly because that way I get to read it cover to cover.Cheryl Brown: My New Years resolution is to keep myself and my family healthy and be financially secure. I’m against incorporation because taxes would increase and I moved out here to get away from that. I like it the way it is now. I think if the NFH went bi-monthly that would be awesomeLana Richardson: I don’t have a New Years resolution. I’m for incorporation because I would like to have a Falcon Post Office for both business and personal reasons. I think it would be great to have the paper come out twice a month.