All Falcon Senior Services activities are free of charge and provided by volunteers. The services are available to persons 60 years of age and over living in the Falcon area. For more information, call 495-2994 or go to LUNCHEONThe next luncheon will be Wednesday, Nov. 9, at 11 a.m. at Falcon Baptist Church, 11095 Eggar Road in Falcon. The main course will be Sloppy Joes. Bring a salad, side dish or dessert. Table service and beverages will be provided. Bring non-perishable food to donate to Helping Hands food pantry.†There will not be a book exchange.†The Mime Team Unashamed will perform.THANKSGIVING FEASTThe students and staff of Patriot Learning Center will be hosting seniors to a Thanksgiving†feast on Friday, Nov. 11 at 12 p.m. in the PLC gymnasium, 11990 Swingline Road. Reservations can be made by calling Jenny†Olson, 495-1149 ext. 1501 by Friday, Nov. 4. The students are collecting†canned goods†for a food pantry; donations are appreciated.CHRISTMAS CRAFT FAIR & HOLIDAY BAKE SALEThe annual Christmas Craft Fair & Holiday Bake†Sale will be Nov. 12 from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. at the Patriot Learning Center gymnasium.†Come early to browse through the tables of beautifully crocheted, knit and quilted items; gifts;†holiday decorations; homemade candies; and the outstanding display†of breads, cakes and cookies ñ all made†by members of FSS.†TRANSPORTATIONTransportation to medical appointments for residents of the area age 60 and older or handicapped, regardless of age, is available Monday through Friday from 10 a.m. to 3:30 p.m.†Call Lynne at 495-3600, option 2 to schedule a ride.FOOT CARE CLINICVisiting Nurses Association offers a foot care clinic at Grace Community Church, 9475 Church View in Falcon.†Call 488-2349 to schedule an appointment.SENIOR EXERCISE PROGRAMStrength and flexibility exercises are offered free of charge Mondays and Fridays, from 11 a.m. to noon, at Grace Community Church, 9475 Grace Church View. For more information, contact Nancy Bishop at 886-4334.