On May 15, the El Paso County Planning and Community Development Department, along with Houseal Lavigne Associates, a professional consulting firm from Chicago that specializes in community planning, urban design and economic development, held a town hall meeting and asked residents for their input specific to Falcon and Peyton on issues they would like to see addressed in the proposed county master plan. The meeting was held at the Meridian Service Recreation Center.Attendees identified the following as their concerns.
- Residential density
- Water security/supply
- Traffic/car capacity
- Managing rural/urban interface
- Road construction specifications and maintenance issues
- Emergency response times as the area grows
- Limited east to west connections with Colorado Springs: Highway 24 and Woodmen Road are the only options
- Telecom infrastructure
- Developers need to make provisions prior to construction to meet infrastructure needs
- Lack of citizen involvement because of a lack of meeting notifications
- Responsiveness to current trends like building demands and telecommuting
- Air noise: fear of air traffic being rerouted to avoid urban areas
- Purchasing property under one zoning and then it changes
- Negative impact of drugs, increase in crime, unintended use of land
- Lack of public transportation
- Too much of a mix of land uses in new developments i.e. shopping centers/residential
- The impact growth has on wildlife