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Falcon incorporation update

Due to Falcon’s unique demographics, the Falcon Incorporation Committee reports that finding comparable material or information (from other like areas) has been difficult.”We have not been able to find a town of comparable size with the budget we would have,” said Thomas Cline, FIC moderator.The group is searching for a town similar to Falcon to decide what steps to take in the incorporation process. Cline said the FIC is currently refining the budget, town boundaries and charter.”We are working to get facts and figures put together. It’s quite a process,” Cline said.The FIC proposes, if Falcon becomes incorporated, the budget is covered by sales tax, but no property tax increase. Cline said new businesses moving into the area affect the amount of money available in the budget, but the FIC will rely solely on 2004 sales tax figures to develop the budget.”There has been a lot of speculation about what businesses may be coming, but it doesn’t matter,” he said. “It’s more important that we put together a proposal with workable boundaries and a budget that can be sustained right now.”Although the group meets once a week, a public meeting has not been scheduled since the last one, held in September.For more information about the FIC, Cline encourages people to log on to the Web site at

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