This year, Falcon High School had four bowling teams of six students each. Throughout the season, there are 10 competitions where five bowlers bowl one regular game and then bowl two Baker games. A Baker game is much like a regular game, but five bowlers are assigned to bowl in two frames of a game.†††The state competition was held in Littleton, Colo., on Feb. 10 and Feb. 11. Twenty-eight teams from all over Colorado participated this year, and Falcon had one team make it to state: Falcon 1. During the initial competition, all teams bowled three rounds of one regular game and two Baker games.†From there, the top five teams went into a stepladder final ó they bowled two Baker games in a head-to-head format, where the winner had the most pins after bowling two Baker games.†After the initial competition, the Falcon team was the second seed. Their first match was against Colorado Springsí Mitchell High School.†It was a close match but Falcon came out on top and progressed to meet the No. 1 seeded team from Doherty High School, also from Colorado Springs. After the first Baker game, Falcon was up by 25 pins going into the second Baker game; however, Doherty came out striking and ended up beating Falcon by 45 pins, which gave them the overall win.The individual competition took place the next day. For the boys, Dylan Bowen, Brayden Brown and Aidan Brown made the cut.†For the girls, Hannah Perry moved on.† After the second round, the field was cut to the top five boys and the top five girls, and only Hannah Perry made this round, seeded second.†Hannah ended up winning the state title for girls, with a score of 213 to 171.†This was Hannahís first for high school bowling, but last year she won the Pepsi singles for the state of Colorado. In addition to the trophy, Hannah will also be receiving a scholarship from the Colorado High School bowling foundation.
Falcon High bowlers
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