The Air Force Junior ROTC Unit at Falcon High School has been selected as one of 403†units to receive the 2010-2011 Air Force Junior ROTC Distinguished Unit Award and one of only 208 to also earn the ìwith meritî distinction. This award recognizes Air Force Junior ROTC units that have performed above and beyond normal expectations; and that have distinguished themselves through outstanding service to their school and community while meeting the Air Force Junior ROTC mission of producing better citizens for America. This is the highest award an AFJROTC unit can received and it is the first time Falcon High Schoolís unit has received this honor.The objectives of the Junior ROTC program are to educate and train high school cadets in citizenship and life skills; promote community service; instill responsibility, character and self-discipline through character education; and to provide instruction in air and space fundamentals.†Enrollment is open to all young people who are in the ninth grade or higher, physically fit and are citizens or nationals of the United States.Air Force Junior ROTC is located in 884 high schools across the United States and at selected schools in Europe, in the Pacific and Puerto Rico. Junior ROTC enrollment includes more than 117,000 cadets.†Falcon High junior to attend summer program at West PointBryan Lupton, a junior at Falcon High School, has been selected to be among 1,000 attendees at West Pointís prestigious Summer Leaderís Seminar in June.More than 4,000 juniors nationwide applied to SLS, which offers high school juniors the opportunity to experience life at West Point. SLS attendees live in the cadet barracks, eat in the Cadet Mess and participate in academic, leadership, athletic and military workshops. The one-week seminars are designed to help juniors with their college selection process, while giving them an idea of the importance of leadership and sound decision-making in their education, careers and lives. All SLS attendees participate in virtual reality war simulation; military and physical fitness training; and attend workshops on topics such as leadership and ethics, engineering, history, mathematics and social sciences.West Point is a four-year, co-educational, federally funded undergraduate college located 50 miles north of New York City. West Point is committed to the task of producing commissioned leaders of character for Americaís Army.