The Falcon Freedom Days celebration kicked off the Fourth of July weekend with its annual event that included 80 vendor booths, 10 more than last year. A kids’ bike parade and breakfast, hosted by the Boy Scouts, kicked off the celebration, which was held at the corner of Meridian and Stapleton roads.Buzz Corona from 98.1 KKFM joined Brian Swanson, Falcon Freedom Days emcee, for a live broadcast.The Breakfast Brothers band provided live music amidst a slew of activities for kids and families: hula-hoop and jump-rope contests, horseback rides, bounce houses, face painting and plenty of prize giveaways throughout the day.Guests and vendors were pleased with the event.The Parks family from Colorado Springs came out this year for the first time. “It’s fun. This is our first time and we’re looking forward to the face painting and bounce houses,” said Missy Parks.Larry and Jackie Aldrich from Juice Plus+ had a booth. “I’m very happy with it,” Jackie Aldrich said. “I love doing Falcon events. Everybody is so receptive.”Lynn Nickel, Mary Kay consultant who also had a booth, said, “I think it’s fun and interesting. I was apprehensive at first, but it went well.”The event was scheduled to close at 4 p.m. but the threat of rain drove most of the vendors out by 3.Still, Swanson said the 2011 Falcon Freedom Days celebration was a success. “It was outstanding. Everybody I talked to was happy,” he said. “I got good feedback from the vendors.”