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Falcon Elementary School champions wetland project

Falcon Elementary School of Technology sixth graders “adopted” the wetlands directly adjacent to their campus. At any given time, water and Ph levels are tested, lists of indigenous animals are recorded and invasive plant life is identified.To celebrate Earth Day, April 22 the entire sixth grade mapped and cleaned up the wetlands as a collaborative project between the science and math teachers. Mrs. Dennis’ math class measured and labeled 10 by 10 meter areas on a grid to find the perimeter and total area of the wetlands. In addition, the students used a GPS to determine elevation and location. “We are always looking for ways to engage students,” Dennis said. “One of the best ways is to make learning applicable to their lives. Many of our students live on large parcels and can use these skills on their own land. Besides, they pass by the wetlands every time they go to the store or come to school. It’s a great way to give back!”As a community service project, Mr. Ogburn’s science class removed hundreds of pounds of trash from the wetlands. “Much of the debris is from the abandoned construction site next to the wetlands. As good stewards, we wanted to clean up this beautiful area,” he said. “We have sorted the trash to categories: glass, plastic, metal and aluminum and it will be taken to the recycling plant.”FES has contacted the county about permanently “adopting” the wetlands. The school would like to be responsible for keeping the area clean and share the scientific data collected with government entities. So far there has been no response regarding this offer.

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