They served their country and now they are serving their own community.The American Legion is a nationwide organization for veterans. Founded almost 100 years ago in 1919 by veterans of World War I, the American Legion welcomes veterans who have returned from deployment or finished their time with the military. The Legionís veterans support their community and also support their fellow veterans who need guidance or help adjusting to civilian lifeDane R. Balcon American Legion Post 2008 in Falcon currently has 302 members and was founded in 2008. Like all American Legion clubs across the country, Post 2008 is comprised of four different pillars.According to the American Legion website, the Main Post, which is open to all veterans, is dedicated to supporting community and fellow veterans. With organizations like American Legion Baseball, one of the nationís most successful amateur athletic programs, or Operation Comfort Warriors, which provides help to recovering wounded warriors and their families.The Sons of the American Legion, which includes the children and grandchildren of veterans, raises money for the community through an organization like The American Legion Child Welfare Foundation. They also volunteer at VA hospitals and offer programs that teach respect for the American flag.The American Legion Riders is a motorcycle club that sponsors events and fundraising efforts. For example, the Legacy Scholarship Fund provides scholarships to children of U.S. military personnel killed since Sept. 11, 2001.The American Legion Auxiliary is a group of military spouses who help and encourage each other and families challenged by a family member on deployment.All events that the Legion holds in Falcon have been well supported. Legion Post 2008 Commander Sonny Sonnichsen said he has been amazed by how supportive the Falcon community has been of their veterans and the events they have sponsored. Sonnichsen is a U.S. Air Force veteran and has been a member of the Falcon community for the last 15 years.The Falcon Legionís recent car show on Aug. 8 hosted double the cars they were expecting, Sonnichsen said. Along with their annual car show, other events throughout the year include a golf fundraiser, an annual peach sale where they partner with local farmers to raise money for veterans and the community.Every Christmas, they participate in Wreaths Across America, a nationwide fundraiser that raises money for wreaths to be placed on veteransí graves.Currently, American Legion Post 2008 is running a Butter Braid fundraiser through Nov. 3. A Butter Bread is a Danish-style, flaky pastry made of 100% real butter, braided by hand, and filled with all kinds of treats like fruit, cinnamon and cream fillings. A portion of the sales of the pastries goes to American Legion Post 2008.For Veterans Day this year, Post 2008 will be participating in the Colorado Springs Veterans Day Parade and placing flags at gravesites at Eastonville cemetery. †Any veteran interested in more information or joining the local legion, visit