The cloudy weather didnít keep the Easter Bunny or the kids from having a good time at the Woodmen Hillsí Easter egg hunt. More showed up than expected, so the eggs were in short supply.The new park and recreational director, Shana MacDonald, apologized via email for the lack of eggs. The center had planned for just 40 pre-registered children, but the numbers of those who came and didnít pre-register meant that many Easter baskets were missing the eggs. In her email, MacDonald said the $5 pre-registration fee will be refunded. MacDonald wrote in her email, ìPer my estimates, each child should have left with at least 30 eggs to FILL their baskets, thus your full refund since many did not.î She also asked for a ìsmall amount of grace,î given this was her first month on the job.Oh, well, everyone had fun anyway.