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Letters to the Editor

“Dry” county wants marijuana tax revenues cut

This has got to be one of the most blatant and flagrant political circuses in recent times. If I were not living it, I would swear that I was reading a 1920s copy of the Chicago Tribune in a library.For the El Paso county commissioners to actually come out in print saying that the county deserves a cut of the marijuana tax revenues from counties that have allowed the growth and sales of the plant can only be described as ìgreedî. The El Paso county commissioners decided to not allow growth and sales and now that they see the potential sizable revenues from the 25 percent tax, they want to use policing costs as one excuse to rip off the other counties.I agree with Rep. Jonathan Singer that El Paso and other counties that voted to not allow growth and sales should not expect to now be getting a piece of the pie. He views this ploy as ìhypocriticalî at this late date.Amy Lathen stated: ìIf the administration changes at the federal level, and the feds come in to enforce existing federal laws; boy, I would not want to be a dispensary owner or someone counting on this revenue.î It would appear from her statement that El Paso and other counties are trying to have their cake and eat it too. If El Paso and other counties want the revenues from the taxes, they should allow growth and sales and take the risks that Amy Lathen seems to believe may lie around the corner.– Art Wilson

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