On Nov. 7, voters in El Paso County passed ballot measure 1A, which allows the county to retain and spend $14,548,000 in excess 2016 revenue to invest in a selection of infrastructure projects, including improvements to parks, trails and open space. Part of those funds will go toward making repairs to Drake Lake in Falcon.As reported in the October issue of ìThe New Falcon Herald,î the northwest embankment of Drake Lake (off Mallard Drive) had been breached because of heavy rains in the summer. Sandbags and a tarp served as a temporary reinforcement to keep the lake from draining, until a more permanent solution could be determined.The county held an informational meeting at the lake Sept. 20 to discuss the status of the temporary repairs and get feedback from the community about ideas for future improvements.Tim Wolken, director of the EPC community services department, said the county will take a portion of the funds from ballot measure 1A to complete the construction of a formalized spillway from the current embankment breach.ìThe improvement will be helpful to maintain a consistent water level in the lake,î Wolken said.The countyís next steps will be to create plans and specifications for the spillway, then obtain a contractor to complete the work, he said.