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Letters to the Editor

D 49 needs support

In response to John Meulen, I have a few questions. First, what kind of an answer is “community imposed constraints on the children and schools of one district in the hopes that the state and national educators and administrators would look upon their plight as a reason to change the process and procedures that they have run this country’s educational system on for years” truly going to make? Making a point with the legislators and educators on a level that will change policy in our state and nation is a noble and powerful cause that should be led with vision and an open mind. However, restricting the educational opportunities of the children of D 49 will not impact anyone but the children and the growing community.By restricting the growth of a school system but supporting the growth of its community, we would cripple and kill that community. The average American sends their children to public schools. If a school system is failing, with a reputation of no community support, what family would choose to move there? Property values would plummet, and the local economy would crash. Also, D 49 is highly ranked among school districts in Colorado. Clearly, they are doing something right; yet, with increased numbers of children pushing our student-to-teacher ratios to higher and higher levels, our past success is in jeopardy.Second, you speak of choices. This community does have the choices that you talk about, but let me ask, do the private schools in this area not charge an enrollment fee? Does that fee not increase periodically over time to support the growth of the school and the continued advancement of that school’s education?I feel a wide variety of choices in education is a wonderful thing. I would love to see more quality choices for my children and their children to come, but I do not see how cutting the educational throats of the children in D 49 schools today is going to achieve this. By increasing teacher-to-student ratios and housing our students in portable classrooms with unequal facilities, we do just that. The mill levy override that the Citizens Facility Study Committee (a volunteer group of voters, parents, retirees, business owners, teachers, and administrators) has asked the District 49 Board of Education to present to the voters is based on growth issues.In order to continue to provide a quality education to our quickly growing community, we need the facilities to house and educate our children. So, I, too, have a request for the people of the Falcon community. Please, get informed and get involved! Support your community and the children that ARE OUR FUTURE by asking questions and having those questions answered. Attend a Commitment for Kids Committee meeting and get the facts about our community’s request for the tax dollars and what the dollars can do for our children’s education. When all of your questions have been answered, step up and vote your conscience.P. MedlockFalcon Parent

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