2020 Teachers of the YearTeri Ames ñ Springs Ranch Elementary SchoolBeth Kochevar ñ Sand Creek High SchoolJaclyn McKinny ñ Horizon Middle SchoolAmy Rowles ñ Patriot High SchoolAdrianne Ryland ñ Pikes Peak Early CollegeGina Sheets ñ Remington Elementary SchoolJesse Tomkins ñ PEAK Education CenterKara Wichman ñ Springs Studio for Academic ExcellenceAmanda Wilson ñ Evans Elementary School2020 Support StarsDale Dishaw ñ district locksmith, facilities departmentBruce Jilek ñ building manager, PHSDiego Martin ñ warehouse courier, nutrition services departmentJann Nutall ñ early childhood paraprofessional, RESHeather Pietraallo ñ registrar/attendance secretary, HMSZach Prince ñ certified occupational therapy assistant, motor team departmentSarah Reed ñ senior staffing specialist, human resources departmentEhco Renzelman ñ bus paraprofessional, transportation departmentLaurie Schink ñ student success coach, SSAE and PPECJacob Vigil ñ paraprofessional, PEAK Education CenterMichelle Wortkoetter ñ administrative assistant, iConnect zone2020 Service StarsSarah Brockberg ñ special education teacher ñ adaptive physical education (districtwide)Tiffany Goodman ñ school social worker, PHSSue Griepentrog ñ special education teacher of deaf and hard of hearing (districtwide)Rezzella Harris ñ school psychologist (districtwide)Rocio Padilla ñ school counselor, RESErika Radcliff ñ school nurse, nursing services department