Falcon School District 49 board president Danielle Lindorf stepped down as board president at the June 10 board meeting. David Martin was voted in as the new board president and Chris Wright became vice president. Andy Holloman remains as treasurer and Tammy Harold as secretary.The board will seek a replacement for Lindorf after she tenders her official resignation from the board at the end of the month. Lindorf is leaving the D49 school board with three years left in her term. She and her family are relocating out of state.”It has been such a pleasure to work on the board,” Lindorf said. “I don’t regret one day or one decision. A highlight of my board work was to attend graduation and spending time getting to know the students and what they are accomplishing.”District on the moveThe Falcon School District 49 Central Enrollment Office is moving to a new location. Beginning July 6, all enrollments will take place at the new Student Services Center at 7545 Mohawk Road (formerly the SPED Building).Additional moves include Pupil Services and Falcon Virtual Academy, which will now be located at the Student Services Center. Special Education has moved to the Education Services Center at 10850 East Woodmen Road. All phone numbers and extensions will remain the same.For additional information about any D 49 departments or schools, please visit www.d49.org.