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El Paso County Colorado District 49

D 49 board meeting update

The D 49 board of education met May 10. The April 12 meeting was cancelled due to blizzard conditions and the make-up meeting, scheduled for April 25, was similarly cancelled. The board held a special meeting May 8 and approved the following items:ï Renewal of the contract with DVR (Division of Vocational Rehabilitation) for the 2007/2008 school year for the SWAP (School to Work Alliance Program): The program works with D 49 residents from ages 16 to 25 to help them find gainful employment. D 49 pays DVR $74,426, and DVR matches that amount.ï A contract with Pikes Peak Community College for the 2007/2008 school year in the amount of $122,000: The funding allows 40 students from Falcon and Sand Creek high schools to attend Pikes Peak Community College and earn college credits.ï A contract with the International Beauty Academy for the 2007/2008 school year in the amount of $47,200: The contract allows 16 students from Falcon and Sand Creek high schools to attend the International Beauty Academy while attending high school. The students will earn college credits from the International Beauty Academy and be eligible to take the state exam upon completion of their course work.ï Amendment 10 with GE Johnson Construction for $113,867 worth of contract changes for work at the new Falcon High Schoolï A resolution for National Teacher Appreciation Week May 6 to May 12ï The Springs Ranch elementary school fifth grade camping trip to Camp Elim in Woodland Park in early May: The outdoor education program consists of a high ropes course for team building and a forest ecology course. Total cost is $89 per student for transportation and lodging.The board also met May 10 and approved the following items:ï A request for approximately 60 Falcon High School football team members to attend the camp at the University of Nebraska at Kearney, Neb., in June: The camp costs $260 per player and includes room, meals, and transportation. The team held a fundraising event May 14 to May 18 to assist players in paying for their way.ï A request for nine members of the ìJust Jumpî team from Ridgeview Elementary School to attend the USA Jump Rope National Tournament in Orlando, Fla., in June: The event will be aired by ESPN in the fall.ï A request for 15 members of the ìJust Jumpî team from Ridgeview Elementary School students to participate in Junior Olympics events July 25 to August 1.ï Revision of JKD/JKE and JKD-R/JKE-R, which govern the suspension and expulsion of students: The policies allow a school principal to offer a parent the choice of attending school with the child, as an alternative to suspension. State law gives that discretion to the teacher. The revision aligns D 49 policy with state law.ï Allocation of money in the capital budget that had not been assigned to a specific project to the purchase of two small SUVs ($44,000) and five school buses ($417,000): The district will receive a $1,000 discount on the school buses by purchasing them now. Money was also allocated to replace a data switch at Falcon High School ($20,000), upgrade servers that overheated when snow blanketed the HVAC system ($45,000 after insurance reimbursement), and replace the HVAC system for the central office data room ($30,000).ï A revision of the 2007/2008 school year calendar that moves a teacher work day from January to December and moves a snow make-up day to three days after Memorial Dayï Permission to close on 55 acres of land for High School No. 3: Construction can now begin.Eric Paugh, the new assistant superintendent for Learning Services, led a presentation on the International Baccalaureate program, which helps students become internationally minded.Paugh said the program, which has been piloted at Evans Elementary School, is responsible for improving academic proficiency scores at the school and has been enthusiastically embraced by teachers. Teachers at Meridian Ranch Elementary School and Horizon Middle School want to implement the program. The board will consider their request at a future meeting. Dave Martin said ìI donít see a problem with it going through.îThe board presented a certificate to student Allie Arnett, whose photograph won the National PTA Reflections award of merit. Karen Hobson, D 49 liaison to the El Paso Council Parent Teacher Association, said the Reflections program encourages children to participate in the arts.In response to an open forum question, Dave Martin said the board is considering holding town hall meetings at each school in the district so parents can talk with board members in a more informal setting. These meetings would not replace the regularly scheduled board meetings.The next board meeting is June 27 at the D 49 administrative offices at 10850 E. Woodmen Road.

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