Superintendent of School District 49 Dr. Steven Hull; board of education interim President Dave Martin and representatives of the newly formed 501(c)(3) Falcon Community Builders for Classrooms Don McGill and Doug Stimple, jointly announced an agreement between the developers, builders and D 49.Hull spoke first complimenting the builders on their commitment and dedication to reach an agreement through months of intense negotiations. “Frankly, at times, the discussions have been quite spirited,” Hull said. “However, we always had the same goal in mind. We just needed a chance to tell our story on why we were going for a mill levy instead of a bond.”McGill is the chairman of the FCBC and represents approximately 40 developers and builders in the area – the “economic face of the community,” Hull said. “Our organization does endorse the mill levy, however, the builders’ contributions will be made regardless of the outcome this November,” McGill said. The amount will be approximately $3 million a year.”We want the same thing,” McGill said. “Schools are as much a part of an area’s infrastructure as roads, sewers and water lines.” An estimated 1,800 homes per year will be built during the next decade. The nonprofit organization will collect $1,500 per new home permit beginning Oct. 2. Town homes will pay $850 per density of eight units per acre, $500 for density over eight units per acre, including apartments and condominiums. “We will begin collection on Oct. 2 because we cannot go backward and collect from permits all ready pulled,” McGill said. “This is a contractual agreement. Builders can not opt out of paying the fees.” The FCBC will manage the money although they are working with the county on collection. “We hope to have an agreement signed soon,” he said.Ten million dollars could be available as early as October for school construction. The FCBC’s board consists of developers Don McGill, Doug Stimple, Rusty Green, Colorado Springs City Councilman Daryl Glenn and as yet an unnamed district official. “We will work closely with the D 49 administration to assure the greatest needs are being met,” McGill said.”The need is well documented and we believe that steps need to be taken to build schools and end the overcrowding,” Stimple said. Hull couldn’t agree more. “World class education requires world class facilities,” Hull said. “We do offer a world class education in world class facilities in D 49; we just don’t have enough of them.”