After partnering with Falcon School District 49 since 2005, the nonprofit organization, Falcon Community Builders for Classrooms, is coming to an end. In the past 17 years, the FCBC has raised about $10 million in capital funding for the districtís schools.Born out of the need to meet the growth of the district, Doug Stimple of Classic Homes, started the organization and is the chairman of the FCBC board. Other founders were Don Magill (retired) and Rusty Green (retired). ìFCBC was created to help ensure that the children in SD 49 received the kind of education their neighbors were getting,î said Sarah Brittain Jack, FCBC administrator. ìWe wanted to help get students moved from modulars to real classrooms.îBuilders in the area agreed to voluntarily pay an impact fee as a donation to FCBC. Brett Ridgway, D 49 chief business officer and FCBC board member, said, ìThe group voluntarily put their financial support behind the district at a time when it was desperately†needed; and they have continued that support for nearly 20 years now.îSince its inception, the organization has funded multiple capital projects, both large and small, including a second wing and an athletic complex for Vista Ridge High School; and an athletic field turf and scoreboards at Falcon High School and Sand Creek High School. They have funded roof repairs, building entryways, elevator improvements, repaving of parking lots and the purchase of trucks. Jack said the organization also helped the district educate the public about mill levy override and bond campaigns over the years.Collections stopped at the end of 2021, and the organization will be dissolving. ìThe school district is doing a great job,î Jack said. ìThey have stabilized, and the board of education and the voters have done a really good job of meeting the needs of the district. We feel confident that going forward, theyíre in a good place.î Jack pointed out that voters have approved mill levy overrides and bonds to support the district throughout the last 17 years.Jack said there are funds available for one or more projects in the future. D 49 will propose projects to the FCBC board for approval prior to moving forward. There are no plans for the organization once the last funds have been spent. Jack said, ìThe organization is proud of our partnership with the district and what we have accomplished together for our children.îRidgway expressed the districtís gratitude for the work that has been accomplished through this unique program. ìI admire, respect and appreciate the developer community that supported FCBC,î he said. ìTheir steadfast, forward-thinking, community focus is something that deserves all the gratitude we can give them.†The number of projects that FCBC supported, the money they provided, and the collaboration they contributed to our community should never be forgotten. The D 49 community should be eternally grateful and proud of the collaboration FCBC provided over these years ó again, on a voluntary basis ó when they could have chosen to do nothing.î