Falcon High SchoolValedictorian Katelynn Kroeker will study bio-medical science at Colorado State University in Fort Collins. She will be participating in the honors and undergraduate research programs at CSU and would like to become a veterinarian. Her favorite memory: ìI loved to get dressed up in the Falcon colors,î Kroeker said. ìAnything having to do with school spirit was my favorite part.îSalutatorian Kiana Harkema will study computer sciences at the University of Colorado Boulder. She plans to get a dual degree in criminology so she can work in the field of cyber security. ìI had the opportunity to do a lot of things and experience a lot of things,î Harkema said. ìThe diversity of what I got to do was my best memory from high school.îVista Ridge High SchoolValedictorian Alexander Stallings will study history at Boston College in Massachusetts. From there, he plans to attend law school. ìMy favorite memory was during my sophomore year at one of the baseball games,î Stallings said. ìIt was a home game, and we just started playing tic-tac-toe with each other and it was just pretty funny.îSalutatorian Rileigh Robertson will study environmental engineering at the University of Texas at Austin. She said her favorite memory from high school was this yearís prom. ìIt was the last time I got to see everybody together and it was at the Broadmoor so it was really nice,î Robertson said.Sand Creek High SchoolValedictorian Jacob Hans will study computer science at the University of Colorado Boulder. He was awarded an Air Force ROTC scholarship so he will join the United States Air Force to do cyber security or cyber defense. Hans said his favorite memory from high school was during a spirit day where students had to dress up. ìThe upper classmen dressed up as older people and the underclassmen dressed up as babies,î he said. ìI shaved the top of my head and left the sides so I looked like I was balding, and I had a pillow in my shirt to look like a beer gut.îSalutatorian ñ Kristina Tran: Kristina did not return multiple calls from the NFH.