According to a Jan. 16 Gazette article by Brian Newsome, the Falcon School Board of Directors are thinking about cutting bus service to more than 2,200 children, saving the district as much as $517,000. The move would eliminate 40 percent of the kids who ride the school bus – some would have no service at all and others could catch a bus at another bus stop further from their current stop.Newsome reported in the article that at a school board retreat on Sat., Jan. 16 “Board Member Laine Gibson said the money from trimming bus service would roughly cover the cost of 13 trailers the districts says it needs to accommodate 1,200 new students it expects this fall.”Portable trailers may increase from 100 to 126, costing more than $500,000. Newsome also reported that the board might spend $1.4 million to “purchase an out-of-district building, the former site for Blair College, near Platte Avenue and Galley Road.SEE NEWS BRIEFS FOR DETAILS ON THE FEB. 23 PUBLIC MEETING REGARDING THE SCHOOL DISTRICT