Finding a cure for cancer is a step-by-step process, and the American Cancer Society is making strides with local fundraising events. The Eastside Relay For Life in Colorado Springs is scheduled June 17 and June18 at the Sand Creek High School auditorium.Lily Gross, community relations manager for Eastside Relay for Life, said the overnight walking event focuses on celebrating survivors, remembering those lost to cancer and fighting cancer with advocacy and fundraising. The walking event ensures that everyone can participate, Gross said. “We want to be open to all abilities, including cancer survivors.”About 5,000 ACS relays will be held across the country to raise funds for cancer research. Colorado Springs will host three relays: eastside, central and Pikes Peak. In its fourth year, Gross said the eastside relay is a young event, with a goal of raising $25,000.”The relay is a fun, family friendly event for all ages,” she said. Gross encourages walkers to form teams of eight to 15 people. Teams can raise money for the ACS with events such as car washes, auctions, garage sales or individual donations. Gross said at past relays, teams have pitched tents and raised additional funds during the event with money makers like hot dog or T-shirt sales.A variety of activities will keep walkers moving through the night. To begin the relay, the first lap is a survivor walk. “It helps set the tone for the entire relay,” Gross said.Caregivers of those who have had cancer walk the second lap.Gross said the track and stadium will be lined with white bags and candles to remember those lost to cancer. Participants can decorate the bags in memoriam of someone they have lost.The evening will also include DJs, karaoke, live music, a silent auction and food. The total amount raised will be announced during a closing ceremony.”Becoming involved with the American Cancer Society, or specifically Relay For Life, is the best way to give back and fight back while we find a cure,” Gross said.Black Forest Fire Rescue echoed Gross’ enthusiasm to raise money for cancer research. BFFR A-shift Lt. Rick Robirds said the department hopes that community volunteers will spearhead fundraising for Relay For Life. BFFR hosted the kick-off meeting Feb. 16.”It’s the volunteers really who put this event together,” Gross said.In another ACS campaign held in October, BFFR sold T-shirts for “Making Strides Against Breast Cancer.” The fundraiser coincided with National Breast Cancer Awareness Month.BFFR sold 144 T-shirts at $15 each with $7 of the profit going to the ACS. The remainder of the money went to the cost of producing the T-shirts.Robirds said he wanted the department to become involved with the event, and he was surprised and pleased with the amount of support. “It seems like fire departments across the country have been involved with breast cancer research,” he said. “We want to start a new trend in our department to be supportive in the role of breast cancer research.”BFFR will create a new T-shirt design for this October’s fundraiser.For more information or to register for Relay For Life, visit or