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Health and Wellness

Crisis care – a sound decision?

What is the difference between personal fitness and cardiac rehab?A heart attack! Did I get your attention? Would you rather decide it was time to make better choices for a healthier tomorrow or have that decision forced on you and live with a poorer quality of life than if you had made better decisions earlier on? Big question, yes? Will you be proactive or reactive?Crisis care is based on need. This is not a decision you choose to make, but rather one you must do to escape what is sure to be a less desirable outcome. Many times this leads to some sort of resentment because it was not a choice or part of any plan. Now understand this: I am grateful that those who provide us with crisis care exist – many life threatening situations are changed because of the skills these individuals have. But, it is so much more enjoyable to do things based on want, not having the feeling that a situation was forced on you. What motivates you? Crisis or quality of life?The old model of not taking care of yourself until there is a crisis, looking to solve that crisis and not taking care of yourself until another arises will not get you far. This attitude can lead to years of illness, disease and suffering.In our office we talk a lot about the “100 Year Lifestyle.” What changes will you make today that will lead to a happy, healthy and productive long life? The “100 Year Lifestyle” incorporates healthy eating, endurance, strength and structure into its fitness plan.Many of us need to make healthier food choices – watch oversized portions; eliminate sugar intake; add more fruits, vegetables and lean proteins. We need to stop making excuses and make the time to exercise. Cardiovascular exercises like walking, running or bike riding will positively influence your endurance; and strength training like yoga, pilates and weights will help increase strength. Structure includes chiropractic care to ensure that your spine and nervous system are healthy. Many people do two of the three and neglect the health of their nervous system, which supplies the vital energy and communication between the brain and the body necessary for healing, normal functioning and being healthy.If you don’t take the time for yourself now and make needed changes, your body will make you take the time. There’s only one thing worse than suffering, and that is suffering for 100 years! And whether you like it or not, whether you want to or not, there is a good chance that you will live to be 80, 90 or 100 years old.Crisis care is bankrupting our country. It causes a tremendous amount of unnecessary suffering for many people, both young and old. Many people don’t realize just how much money can be saved by making chiropractic a part of their lives. For those individuals who choose to utilize chiropractic on a regular basis, not just for acute care, many find that they spend less money on doctor’s visits, prescription medication and health insurance; and they can make more money at work as they miss less work because of fewer sick days.Why in the world would you want to wait any longer for a crisis situation to be forced on you or a family member? Wouldn’t it make more sense to be proactive and do all you can to help yourself and those around you lead a healthy life for a long time?Palmer Chiropractichttp://palmer-chiropractic.com719-494-1395

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