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Letters to the Editor

Conservative endorsement

As a pro-gun, anti-abortion, pro-limited government conservative, I have to tell you how excited I am to have a candidate like Amy Lathen running to represent eastern El Paso County on the County Commission. Amy Lathen’s knowledge and rock solid conservative values are a unique combination that will enable her to represent our values while avoiding a prolonged “learning curve.”I believe that Amy will stand for issues that are important to me, such as fiscal responsibility, fully funding our Sheriff’s Office, and protecting our water resources, while maintaining a level of professionalism and respect for others that will allow her to accomplish great things on our behalf.So I urge all of you within El Paso County to join with conservative leaders such as Bob Schaffer, Ray Powers, Dave Schultheis, Marsha Looper, Terry Maketa and many others in supporting Amy Lathen for County Commissioner, District 2!Ryan A. ParsellFalcon

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