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Health and Wellness

Common athletic injuries

It has been a beautiful summer and with nice weather and access to the great Colorado outdoors, this is the time of year that everyone loves to get outside and do something. Whether you are a professional athlete or a parent out to have fun with the kids, there is always a risk of injury when playing a sport or being active.Some of the most common sports related injuries are- sprains- strains- knee injuries- hip injuriesA sprain is a stretch or tear of a ligament, a band of connective tissue that joins bone to bone. A strain is a twist, pull or tear of muscle or a tendon (the connective tissue holding muscle to bone). Excessive foot pronation is a common cause of some ligament injuries in the knees. Running is tremendously stressful to the knees. It forces two to three times a person’s body weight on the lower limbs, easily causing injuries to the knees in athletes. Many hip injuries develop from biomechanical problems with the feet and problems with gait (the way your feet move and strike the ground when you step). This is a common problem with runners.Your health care professional may suggest rest and the use of ice packs to decrease the level of pain and reduce inflammation. He or she may suggest rehabilitation exercises to help you build muscle strength and reduce your risk of further injury. He or she may also recommend the use of spinal pelvic stabilizers to help correct postural problems and balance the feet.It is important to be able to identify any underlying biomechanical deficits that can cause injuries. Efforts at treatment and rehabilitation are more likely to be successful when the focus is on restoring balanced function, rather than just reducing the pain and inflammation in the irritated tissues.Exercises done with the foot and lower leg freely moving are helpful in the early stages of hip rehabilitation to reduce the stress on the surrounding musculature. These types of exercises can be started very early with a symptomatic hip since it doesn’t have to bear the weight of the body. Easy methods of rehabilitation can include just using elastic tubing for resistance, which allows an individual to exercise in a weight bearing, functional position that is effective functionally and cost effective as well.Weight bearing exercises (with the foot on the floor) can be included when the individual is ready to participate in the activity again. These exercises can include partial squats, lunges and step-ups or stair climbing. At first, one’s own body weight will be sufficient for resistance. Further resistance can be progressively increased using hand weights or a weight bar. Incorporating exercises to regain the fine neurological control necessary for accurate hip and pelvic movements can include standing on a wobble board or a mini-trampoline or on one leg with eyes closed (with help) for 10 minutes each day.Many people are reluctant to visit a health care provider when they first experience pain, but it is a good idea to determine if the injury is serious. Many times, the professional can point you in a direction to ease your pain and discomfort and help make for a speedier recovery.Palmer

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