Pastor Justin Knight has joined the Falcon Fire Protection District to not only help the community in times of need, but also to support the firefighters emotional and spiritual needs.Like most of the Falcon team of firefighters, Knight will volunteer his time as the new chaplain.Knight and his wife of 14 years, Charla, moved to Falcon from Broken Arrow, Okla., about four months ago, he said. Although his home was Oklahoma, he fell in love with Colorado the first time he visited. “I never thought that I would love anywhere else (Oklahoma),” Knight said. “When I came and visited (Colorado) and I left I had this enormous sense of this is where I need to go -God laid that on my heart – we prayed about it … our hearts were here long before we moved.”Knight has set up a church in a house in Falcon with his assistant pastor, Lt. Col. Darryl Summrall, who has served overseas three times with the U.S. Air Force.The church is called FaithBridge – it’s about “building bridges, not walls,” Knight said. “We want to be authentic Christians. Our approach is non-denominational, and our mission is love God, love people and serve both.” Eventually, Knight said they hope to acquire land for a new church.Knight has been ordained as a licensed pastor for 17 years, he said. “I’ve served in a lot of crisis situations,” including Ground Zero and as a civilian chaplain overseas with an armed forces chaplaincy program. He also counseled callers through a national radio program alongside psychiatrists and psychologists, he said. The evening radio show was broadcast over 300 stations in the country.Since he was a young boy, Knight has understood crisis counseling and emergency intervention. “My father was a drug and homicide detective, and I remember … he said to me, ‘I’ve seen things and experienced things I would never wish on anybody. I have nobody to talk to.’ I wasn’t old enough to talk to him,” Knight said.It’s the story he tells firefighters when they ask him why he’s volunteering as the chaplain.Knight will spend time each week at the fire station and assist on calls when he’s needed. He’ll be debriefed in crisis situations as well.”If someone’s house is burning, it can be pretty traumatic,” he said. “If a firefighter senses someone is experiencing an emotional need, a chaplain can be a source of comfort and knowledge.” In a community wide crisis, Knight said a chaplain can help build the emotional morale of the community while the firefighters are busy doing their jobs. “I’m not here to be your preacher – not here with self-motivating agendas; not here to deliver religion … I’m here to serve you.”Most large city fire departments employ chaplains, said Trent Harwig, fire chief for the Falcon fire district.”We’ve been borrowing chaplains from the city of Colorado Springs for the past few years,” Harwig said. “Since we’re borrowing them, we use them for our own functions like a graduation ceremony or our annual Christmas party. We’ve never been able to expand the program.”Harwig said Knight came to them and asked if there was a need for his services. “He’ll be available for victims in our district and surrounding districts,” he said. “The requests (for his services in the community) will come from the family, not the fire department.”Knight said he hopes the program will grow, and he plans to enlist other area chaplains.”I’d like to be involved in the school system,” he said. “This fall we’ll introduce a program in schools where we’ll talk about safety issues – anti-drug programs, etc.”Besides serving others, Knight enjoys reading, the outdoors and is an accomplished pianist. He’s produced a number of CDs that Hobby Lobby carries.”I’m a Falconite,” he said. “I’m not here just to live. I’m here to be part of the community.”FaithBridge Church is sponsoring a block party on Wednesday, July 25 at 5 p.m. at the Woodmen Hills Elementary School. It’s free, and everyone is welcome. Lots of food and family fun – games, rides and a drawing.
Clergy joins Falcon fire department
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