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Church secretary firmly planted

Lisa Regennitter grew up in Clara City, Minnesota ñ- a small town just outside of Montevideo. She enjoyed living in the heart of farming country, and had never imagined leaving.ìEverybody stays in Clara City,î she said. ìItís only a town of 1,500 and most people there just grew up, married a farmer and stayed there. And thatís what I had planned to do.î However, the best laid plans … oft go awry.Regennitter met Mike Regennitter in her sophomore year, and the two dated throughout high school. After they graduated in 1991, they both went to Alexandria Technical and Community College in Alexandria, Minnesota. Regennitter studied hotel/restaurant management and Mike majored in graphic design. They received their associate degrees in 1993, and that same year they married and moved to Raymond, Minnesota. Two years later, they moved to Fort Dodge, Iowa. Mike Regennitter took a design job at a newspaper/magazine, and Lisa Regennitter worked as a waitress at a local restaurant. ìI loved that job,î she said. ìI would go back to waitressing in a heartbeat because I love people.îIn 1996, the Regennitters welcomed their first son, Cameron. A few years later, the family moved to Waterloo, Iowa, where they worked together at a printing company. While living in Waterloo; in 1999, they welcomed a daughter, Kirsten.After living in Iowa for several years, the Regennitters moved to Colorado in 2000 to be near Regennitterís sister and three aunts. The family settled in Colorado Springs, and Regennitter opened an in-home day care business. ìMy mom did it,î she said. ìSo I knew what it was like.î On top of a growing business, the Regennitters welcomed a third child, Zachary, in 2001.In 2005, the Regennitters wanted to make another move but stay close to Colorado Springs. ìI didnít want to live in Colorado Springs,î she said. ìI wanted to live where there was some space.î Shortly after finding a home in Woodmen Hills, the Regennitters started looking for a church home, and found Black Forest Lutheran Church friendly and welcoming. ìPastor Ken (Hohag) was so friendly and nice,î Regennitter said. ìHe took the time to get to know us, our names and the kidsí age ó even on that first morning.îLisa Regennitter eventually found a new career at the church when the church secretary cut back her hours. In 2009, Regennitter closed her day care business and started working two days a week at the church. When the church secretary retired, Regennitter stepped in. She said a big part of her job is ìmaking sure things run smoothly.î And her favorite part of the job she has held for eight years at the church is working with people. ìIt kind of went back to the waitressing,î Regennitter said. ìI just love people.îNFH: Name three famous people you would like to have dinner with (living or deceased)?Regennitter: Julia Roberts, Faith Hill and Mother TheresaNFH: Name something specific you would change about Falcon? What is missing? Regennitter: A place for high school kids to go.NFH: What do you like about Falcon? Colorado?Regennitter: The community, the people: Falcon has been a great place for my kids to grow up in. And I love Colorado for the mountains. I am done with cornfields. I do wish there were a few more lakes though. NFH: If you were just starting out in life, would you stick with the same career path? If you could change it, what would you do?Regennitter: I wouldnít change a thing. Iím good with the things I did along the way. But I would like to volunteer in the hospitals and help those who need healing (comfort). I would love to do Hospice.NFH: If you had to choose just one food to eat every day for the rest of your life, what would it be?Regennitter: Hamburger and French fries. Iím a pretty simple girl. I donít need anything fancy.NFH: How would you spend $1 billion?Regennitter: I would buy a farm or a ranch around Falcon and get out of the city life. And I would pay for my kidsí college. NFH: What is your greatest achievement? Regennitter: My kids Ö I have been completely blessed with how they have grown up and turned out.NFH: Do you have a personal hero? Regennitter: My mom: I believe she made me who I am. She had such a caring heart and love for people.

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