At the February Integrity Management convention in Minneapolis, Minn., Dr. Stephen Kutscher and Dr. Mandi Miedema of Rock Solid Chiropractic in Falcon received the ì5 Star Award for Quality Service.îIntegrity Management is the nation’s largest chiropractic management, coaching and consulting company. To achieve the 5 Star Award, chiropractic practices such as Rock Solid have to meet certain criteria, Kutscher said. ìWe had to achieve a certain level of patient education and perform proper patient procedures,î he said. ìIt took us just about a year to meet all the requirements.îKutscher said every chiropractic clinic has a chance to earn the 5 Star Award.ìWe worked with a coach from the company since opening our business, just going over goals ñ and the 5 Star Award was one of them,î he said.Kutscher also said the award allows other clinics to refer patients to them with confidence that the patient will receive excellent care. ìThey see that we’ve achieved a certain level of service,î he said. ìThey can send their patients to us with confidence.îìWe’re just glad we finally have everything in place to have them (Integrity Management) consider us a 5 Star clinic,î Kutscher said.ìWe felt pretty great about it,î Miedema added.
Chiropractic clinic earns award
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