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Chatting with the Candidates – Ken Barela, House District 19

Ken Barela was born in Colorado Springs and attended school in Fountain, where he resides today with his wife and four children. He also served as Mayor of Foutain from 1997 to 2005. Barela was stationed in Europe during Desert Storm as a U.S. Army infantry officer, and spent nine years in the U.S. Army Reserves. He has a master’s degree in business administration from the University of Denver and worked in various positions, including executive roles, in health care. Barela served on the School District 8 Board of Education has been a board member of the El Paso County Housing Authority, the Fountain Valley YMCA and the Pikes Peak Council of Governments.In 2006, Barela started a new business, Calli Development Services, an architectural, engineering and construction firm that specializes in property development and improvement. Web site: How have your experiences in the military shaped your outlook?Barela: My military experience has made me sensitive to the sacrifices that soldiers make for our country. They give up some of their freedoms when they serve, and I understand what they have given up. If there is any opportunity where I can make a difference for our military, I will do it. When I was Mayor of Fountain, I got 85/87 widened so it would be safer for soldiers to travel to and from Ft. Carson.NFH: What do you think are the most important issues facing the people of District 19?Barela: The biggest issues are health care and education. How can families earning $25K a year afford health insurance that costs $700 to $1000 a month? Families have to choose between paying the rent and going to the doctor. They pay the rent and then end up in the emergency room. Then they end up in debt, can’t get credit, and end up in a cycle of poverty. It breaks my heart. Health care insurance should be an American right. Fees should be affordable and set on a sliding schedule according to income. I support early intervention strategies and preventative health care, including pre-natal care and immunizations; I support mental health coverage, quantity buying discounts, cost containment, physician choice and education programs. The present system is unacceptable, and I will work with all parties to reform it.Most of us went through public education and it worked for us. We cannot allow money to be taken away from public education. A good education is critical to the residents of District 19. I oppose programs, such as vouchers, that divert resources from our schools. We have a responsibility to our children to ensure that our schools have the resources they need.NFH: Do you think “No Child Left Behind” has worked well in District 19?Barela: No Child Left Behind is not working. It is an unfunded mandate. Teachers are teaching to the test. When teachers do that, kids are not going to be ready for the real world. That makes no sense, and it makes me mad.NFH: What’s your position on the “Super Slab?”Barela: I do not support the “Super Slab.” Eminent domain is in the constitution. Any time eminent domain is used, it must be for the best interest of the public, and it should never be used in a way that allows an individual business to reap enormous profits. I have signed the Colorado Citizens for Property Rights ballot initiative to limit government takings. I have no problem with creating alternative transportation routes, but not by taking people’s land from them.NFH: What’s your position on the November ballot amendments and referenda?Barela: I support guaranteed annual funding increases to meet the state’s long term public education needs. We need to be innovative and creative in using resources. D 8’s purchase of laptop computers, instead of textbooks, for all students is a good decision. When I was Mayor of Fountain, I supported alternative education for at risk students and vocational training programs that allow students to earn high school credits. That’s how we got a 97 percent graduation rate. Local control of curriculum, resources and programs is critical.NFH: What do you think can be done about illegal immigration?Barela: I support immigration reform. I support President Bush’s guest worker program. We need to create a system encouraging people to work here and then go home. Should we build a wall? No. Money that would be spent on a wall should be used for airport and port security.

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