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Chamber news

On May 3, the Eastern Plains Chamber of Commerce held its monthly meeting at Grace Community Church. Eric Lustig from Falcon School District 49ís Patriot High School provided an awesome breakfast that included handmade breakfast burritos. The breakfast was a product of the culinary program at Patriot High School; two students from the program served the breakfast.The meeting started with brief introductions from each person in attendance, describing the business they represent. Following the introductions, Eric Lustig gave a short presentation about Patriot High School. Mr. Lustig is a teacher at Patriot High School and has been instrumental in creating the Career and Technical Education programs within District 49. He provided details about the many programs available to students at Patriot High School, including construction technology, culinary arts and hospitality, graphic arts and biotechnology. Mr. Lustig hopes to expand this program as interest grows from the students. Finally, Mr. Lustig talked about the annual fundraiser, a golf tournament, hosted by Patriot High School. The tournament is being held at Antler Creek Golf Course in Falcon June 3. The entry fee is $100 per person. A portion of the entry fee is tax deductible, and the proceeds go to support Patriot High Schoolís Career and Technical Education programs.The featured speaker was Kelly Ikenberry, a local business coach. Ms. Ikenberry is an experienced business coach, certified through the International Coach Federation, and she believes that ìevery business owner can make more and play moreî.Ms. Ikenberry discussed one facet of her business, the use of assessment tools. She talked about the importance of assessments but also stressed that follow-through on those assessments is crucial to success. Ms. Ikenberry specifically discussed one of the many assessments she uses in her practice, the DISC Behavioral Assessment. There are many components to this assessment, and the use of it can be customized to the specific needs of the client. Ms. Ikenberry does not believe in a ìcookie cutterî approach to dealing with her clients and does her best to tailor her program to the needs and resources of the client. She also explained that no company was too small or too big to benefit from a properly executed assessment tool, with follow-up. Contact Kelly Ikenberry at or 812-870-9961.Upcoming speakers:June 7 – After hours networking event hosted by The State Bank, 7495 McLaughlin Road in Falcon, from 5 to 6:30 p.m. Light snacks and refreshments will be provided.July – There will not be a membership meeting in July because of the holiday and to allow members and their families a chance to celebrate.The Eastern Plains Chamber of Commerce meets the first Wednesday of each month from 7 a.m. to 8:30 a.m. at Grace Community Church, 9475 Grace Church View, in Falcon.

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