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Business Briefs

Chamber news

The Eastern Plains Chamber of Commerce held its monthly meeting June 6, with about 30 members and guests in attendance. The speakers were Suzanne Craig of Legal Shield and Sheriff Bill Elder. It was announced that the newest member of the chamber board is Brandon Shaw of Edward Jones.Suzanne Craig of Legal Shield was the first speaker who gave a wonderful presentation on estate planning and the importance of legal representation. The main point of her presentation is that estate planning is not something to be put off until the kids are grown and gone. Donít let the state decide what to do with your estate and children should you pass unexpectedly.The final speaker of the meeting was Sheriff Bill Elder, and he gave the chamber an update on the areas of concern in the county and his vision for the next four years if he is re-elected. One of the major priorities he touched on is the illegal marijuana grow houses and his plans on dealing with the issue. The other areas he touched on is that his sheriffsí office is the largest in the state of Colorado, along with the different programs that have been introduced to help the military community.The next meeting of the chamber will be an after-hours event. Please check the chamber website for the date and time.If you or your organization would like to be part of the Eastern Plains Chamber or if you would like to be a speaker at an upcoming meeting, contact the chamber at Eastern Plains Chamber of Commerce meets the first Wednesday of each month, from 7 to 8:30 a.m. at Grace Community Church, 9475 Grace Church View in Falcon.

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