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Letters to the Editor

Canine Clashes – Dawgone Deputy

I agree 100 percent with your article on Canine Clashes. I live on 43 acres and have two dogs – an Australian Shepherd/Border Collie mix and a Red Healer.They both do their jobs very well. They let me know if anyone or anything is on or around my property. I do have it all fenced with field fencing (I have other animals and there were too many coyotes coming around) so nothing can get in or out, but, every once in a while I do get a lost soul that finds a way in, then the chase is on.My pet peeve is that when I find these dogs and want to return them home they have no tags. It doesn’t cost much to put your family pets’ name and address on them just in case they want to go walking without you. It is your obligation to keep your dog safe.Just about two weeks ago I found an older dog on my road. He had a flea collar but no name tag. The poor guy had a hard time walking so I have my doubts about him running away. I had to bring him to the Humane Society. My two even still get out every so often and I think they are in the neighborhood making trouble for some one because when they home they will chase after anything that goes down our fence line. To my surprise, they must be lost little angels because someone always calls or brings them home (they like to visit the bus barn). But, if they get shot there is nothing that I can do about it. They have tags and the chip in them.I am sorry to hear that some one shot your Mick. I personally would never shoot an animal. I have a whip and if I think that they are getting too close and mean with me or my animals I crack the whip and that usually works. I have even done that with the coyotes.What happen to innocent until proven guilty? I do think that the sheriff should not have taken the dogs away. I also think that the person that called him in the first place was wrong to do that.If her dog was beaten up then that is her responsibility. The sheriff was going off on what this person has told him. So, now this person should do everything in their power to get the two other dogs home and retract the complaint that they made against them. You say that we live in the country, but, with all the housing that is going up around here, it is not country any more. People are moving in from the cities, and they just don’t have a clue on how to live in the country.JoAnn George

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