Feature Articles

Candidates sought for Upper Black Squirrel board

The Upper Black Squirrel Ground Water Management District is looking for candidates for board positions. In a Feb. 7 election, district voters will select new board members.Candidates for the election will represent the district’s third and fourth division, both of which include parts of the Falcon area, for the next four years.Currently, Mitchell Baldwin represents division 3, and Rich Jenkin represents division 4. Neither is term-limited, said Tracy Doran, the district’s secretary and designated election official.The UBSGWMDís election notice provides the following guidelines for board candidates:

  • Be registered to vote in general elections in Colorado
  • Be a taxpaying elector in the division to be represented
  • File a petition with the UBSGWMD containing the signatures of 60 taxpaying electors in the division of representation by Jan. 9
Colorado Revised Statues define a ìtaxpaying electorî as a person who owns real or personal property in the division. Additional requirements must be met; applicants should contact Doran at the UBSGWMD office to verify their eligibility to run.To vote Feb. 7, taxpaying electors living in divisions 3 and 4 must appear at the districtís office in Calhan, Colo., between the hours of 7 a.m. and 7 p.m. There are no mail-in ballots or other polling places.People who rent but do not own real property in one of the two divisions cannot vote in the election, Doran said.If there is only one valid candidate for each of the two districts, the candidates will be declared the winners and the election will be canceled, she said.According to the Colorado Division of Water Resources Web site, Colorado has 13 ground water management districts. District boards are authorized to adopt additional rules and regulations to help administer ground water within their district.The UBSGWMDís office at 520 Colorado Ave. in Calhan, Colo., is open Tuesday through Thursday from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. The phone number is 719-347-0704.

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