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Business Briefs

Business group update

Eastern Plains Chamber of CommerceThe chamber held its monthly meeting Dec. 3. Candace Avis of Avis Accounting and Income Tax Professionals spoke about end-of-the-year tax issues for businesses.The chamber’s annual holiday party was also held in December. ìIt was a great way to get together to celebrate the holiday and the growth of the chamber over the year,î said Benjamin Kley, chairman of the board.The next meeting is Jan. 7 at 7 a.m. at Grace Community Church in Falcon.LnB Connectors’ Northeast Cross ConnectNortheast Cross Connect changed locations again in December. The organization has returned to Guadalajara Mexican Restaurant in Falcon, after meeting at other locations in the area. The group’s focus for the month was the Artisan Marketplace Community Fundraiser held Dec. 13.Northeast Cross Connect meets every Friday at Guadalajara Mexican Restaurant at 8:30 a.m.Falcon PEPNetThe local PEPNet chapter held its holiday party in December and welcomed new members into the organization, said Janet McMonigal. Elections for chapter officers will be held in January.Falcon PEPNet meets every Friday morning at 8:30 a.m. at La Mission Mexican Restaurant.

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