Chamber August meeting wrap-up
By Larry Sparks
On Wednesday, Aug. 7, the Eastern Plains Chamber of Commerce held its monthly meeting with over two dozen local businesses represented. The meeting was held at Grace Community Church in Falcon.
Kim Anderson-Grigg of Bex Security was the breakfast sponsor. She shared Bex’s commitment to security. As concerns about crime in Colorado increase, company’s like Bex are ready to assist residents and business owners. With lighting, high-resolution cameras and monitoring, they can increase security and awareness.

Staying on the theme of security, the main speaker was Sheriff Joseph Roybal and his team. Sheriff Roybal discussed the substation that will be coming soon to Falcon. This substation will greatly enhance service to the eastern part of El Paso County. The active substation will allow for better distribution of resources within the county.
The Sheriff’s Office is very concerned about safety on the roads. El Paso County Commander Chris Gonzalez shared the direct correlation between speeding and deadly accidents. The compelling presentation showed that as enforcement has increased, speeds have decreased. DUI arrests are down. Accidents are down. Even so, El Paso County continues to be one of the most hazardous places to drive in Colorado. The Sheriff’s Office is committed to improving public safety, to reducing accidents and to reducing fatalities. This all begins with traveling at the speed limit.
Traffic enforcement is a tremendous expense for the county. However, it represents the best way to protect the public. One fascinating slide presentation showed the priority present in ticketing. It reported that two tickets were issued for going 1 to 2 miles over the limit. Thirty-nine tickets were issued for traveling 5 to 9 miles over the posted limit. Two hundred twenty-nine were issued for travel that was 10 to 19 miles over the limit. One hundred forty-five tickets issued were for traveling 20 or more miles over the limit. By pulling over speeders, all traffic flows at a safer speed. This is the intended result. The Traffic Enforcement Unit is highly effective. The Sheriff’s office also relies on residents calling in hazards observed in the county. These include distracted driving, reckless driving, driving too fast, and driving too slowly.
We are fortunate to have a Sheriff’s department that is so committed to protecting the lives and property of the residents of El Paso County.