Falcon Fire Station No. 4The El Paso County Planning Commission unanimously approved the site where the Falcon Fire Protection District will construct a new manned fire station. The station will be located on 1.148 acres on Capital Drive, about one-fifth of a mile north of Constitution Avenue and about one-third of a mile east of the intersection of Constitution Avenue and Marksheffel Road.Falcon Regional ParkThe El Paso County Board of County Commissioners unanimously approved a revocable license agreement with Meridian Ranch Investments Inc., so the county can construct a temporary 4-inch potable water service line from the closest existing line. The temporary line will supply Falcon Regional Park until the permanent potable water main is constructed by GTL Inc., Meridian Ranchís developer.Meadow Lake AirportThe BOCC approved the final release of collateral on the Meadow Lake Airport hangers project for grading and erosion control in the amount of $29,894.52, plus accrued interest.Bennett Ranch Channel and Tanager WayThe commissioners approved federal revenue and appropriate expenditures for the general fund fire/flood emergency response 2016 budget in the amount of $388,700 for emergency watershed protection measures related to Bennett Ranch and Tanager Way.Bennett Channel improvements projectThe BOCC approved a purchase order to AECOM Technical Services Inc., for drainage analysis and design services for the Judge Orr Road/U.S. Highway 24 portion of the Bennett Channel Improvements Project for a total cost of $295,845.