Meridian Ranch Estates Filing 3The El Paso County Board of County Commissioners approved a request by GTL Development for the final plat of the Meridian Ranch Estates Filing 2 and 3 Planned Unit Development, consisting of 29 single-family residential lots with a minimum lot size of 43,663 square feet on a 60.43-acre plat.Paint Brush Hills Metropolitan District new buildingLeon Gomes, district manager of the Paint Brush Hills Metropolitan District, said the plans are complete for the new office and shop building. They are waiting for approval from the county and the regional building department. The building will be located by the districtís water tanks near Londonderry Drive and Towner Avenue.The district has set aside a substantial amount of money for the construction so they will only need to finance a portion of the project, Gomes said.ìWe plan to break ground in April and are hoping to be finished and occupying the building in November,î he said.Scenic View at Paint Brush HillsGomes said the Scenic View at Paint Brush Hills housing development, at the corner of Stapleton Drive and Towner Avenue is under way. The development will include 89 single-family residential homes, which is a change from the multifamily residential zoning approved two years ago, he said.ìWe have 90 lots that were initially approved, but we have asked the developer to save one lot for a park.îKelly Plains ñ rezone and minor subdivisionThe BOCC approved a request from Leon and Susan Kelly for a map amendment rezone of 3.6 acres, from agricultural to a commercial service district, to legitimize current commercial use on the property at 21275 East Highway 24.The commissioners also approved a request for a final plat of a one-lot minor subdivision on the same 3.6 acres.Golden West Power Partners LLC ñ fee agreementThe commissioners approved a resolution to approve a first amendment to the restated development and improvement fee agreement between the county and Golden West Power Partners. The amendment allows Golden West to pay the county to do road improvements, in lieu of Golden West taking the following actions on Paint Mines Road: a double application of chip and seal, shaping the road and paving private driveway aprons that access paved county roadways. The payment total is $1,168,068, which will be paid in full to the county within 30 days of the Dec. 22 resolution approval.