Meridian Ranch Pond D Storm OutletThe El Paso County Board of County Commissioners approved the final release of $2,693 to the Meridian Ranch developer, Tech Contractors, for public improvements of Meridian Ranch Pond D Storm Outlet. All work has been inspected and approved by the county.Meridian Ranch Filing No. 8The BOCC approved the final release of a bond posted by GTL Development for $464,271.40 for public improvements to Meridian Ranch Filing No. 8 subdivision. All work has been inspected and approved by the county.Meridian Ranch Sketch Plan AmendmentThe commissioners approved a request by GTL Development Inc. for approval of an amended sketch plan to convert 54 acres of the total 955.6-acre area, zoned Planned Unit Development, from commercial, multi-family and business park land uses to single-family residential uses. The site is located at the intersection of Stapleton Drive and Eastonville Road. The density cap for the converted area was approved for 4,000 dwelling units, up from the originally planned 3,814 dwelling units.Black Forest Culvert Replacement ProjectThe BOCC approved a resolution to amend the intergovernmental agreement between the Colorado Department of Transportation and the county for the Black Forest Culvert Replacement Project. The project is located about .6 miles north of the intersection of Black Forest Road and Shoup Road, within the Kettle Creek Drainage Basin. It will replace two corrugated metal pipes, which are almost 40 years old and more than 25 feet beneath Black Forest Road.The proposed IGA amendment adds additional funds that have been requested and approved for the project to cover construction inflation costs that have occurred since the original grant application. The total original contract amount was for $659,850 from federal funds and $137,166 from local match funds. The amendment asked for an additional $393,813 from federal funds and $81,864 from local match funds, bringing the total contract amount to $1,272,693.Majestic Pines Filing No. 1The county commissioners approved a resolution to approve the application for preliminary acceptance of certain streets, totaling .33 miles, within the Majestic Pines Filing No. 1 subdivision into the El Paso County road maintenance system.The BOCC also approved the final release of a letter of credit posted by developer Blue Heron Spring LLC for $375,791.20 for public improvements in Majestic Pines Filing No. 1. Eighty percent of the public improvements have been completed and inspected by the county.Falcon Regional Park Phase 1AThe commissioners approved a construction contract and purchase order with American Civil Contractors Inc. for construction of Falcon Regional Park Phase 1A for an amount not to exceed $1,023,916.55.