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Building and real estate update

Falcon Drainage Basin Planning StudyThe El Paso County Board of County Commissioners unanimously approved a resolution to adopt the Falcon Drainage Basin Planning Study and also create a drainage fee and bridge fee for the basin to make necessary drainage and bridge improvements in the area.Stapleton Road Extension ProjectThe BOCC approved a resolution to endorse the Certification of Creation of Lots of Record regarding property owned by Silver Star Family Limited Partnership. To facilitate the construction of the Stapleton Road Extension Project, EPC acquired a right-of-way from Silver Star, which created two parcels out of Silver Starís property. A Certification of Creation of Lots of Record assures Silver Star that the property division would not generate a subdivision or establish legal lots that the county could potentially develop.Town of Calhan annexation impact report waiverThe commissioners approved a request by the town of Calhan for a waiver of the annexation impact report for a 15-acre parcel owned by Charlie and Jasmin Thorp. The parcel is zoned as agricultural, and approval of the annexation allows the owners to build a single-family dwelling on the site and use the public water and sanitation systems.Falcon School District 49 Great Outdoors Colorado grant applicationThe BOCC approved a resolution requesting a partnership between EPC and Falcon School District 49 on a Great Outdoors Colorado grant application to build a stand-alone sustainable greenhouse at Horizon Middle School. D 49 requested $22,080 in grant support for the project and will provide $7,537 in cash and in-kind matching support, bringing the total project budget to $29,617. The grant does not require that the county match any of the projectís finances.

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