Brandman Pony PartiesLisa Brandman, property owner and owner of Fairytaleís Pony Parties, requested that the El Paso County Planning Commission approve a business event center to be located on her property, which is currently zoned residential rural. Close to the intersection of Hardy Road and Black Squirrel Road, the 5-acre parcel is within the boundaries of the Black Forest Preservation Plan.Brandman began operating the business in 2013, in violation of the land development code. The request would bring the property into compliance.Two people spoke in favor of the request at the meeting, while 10 people opposed it. The commissioners unanimously denied the request. However, Brandman is on the agenda for the July 28 El Paso County Board of Commissioners meeting.Bent Grass EastThe El Paso County Board of County Commissioners approved the final release of a letter of credit for public improvements of the Bent Grass East Commercial Filing No. 1 subdivision in the amount of $42,401.48.The BOCC also approved the final release of a letter of credit for public improvements on the Commercial Filing No. 2 subdivision for $113,120.The commissioners also approved the application for preliminary acceptance of certain streets in Commercial Filing No.1 into the countyís road maintenance system. Additionally, they approved the application for preliminary acceptance of certain streets in Commercial Filing No. 2 into the countyís road maintenance system.Stapleton RoadThe BOCC approved a request from Silver Star Family Limited Partnership regarding the following for the Stapleton Road improvement project: a memorandum of agreement and temporary access easement agreement; approval and acceptance of a special warranty deed, non-exclusive permanent easement and temporary construction easement agreements.The BOCC approved a change order not to exceed $50,000 for Hamre, Rodriguez, Ostander, & Dingeess, P.C. for legal services they provided for the Stapleton Drive East Extension Project.Black Forest Culvert Replacement ProjectThe BOCC approved an intergovernmental agreement with the Colorado Department of Transportation for the Black Forest Culvert Replacement Project. The project site is in the Kettle Creek Drainage Basin and located about .06 miles north of the Black Forest Road and Shoup Road intersection. The project replaces two corrugated metal pipes positioned more than 20 feet below Black Forest Road. The contract amount of $797,016 includes $659,850 from federal aid and $137,166 in local funding.Falcon Highlands Metropolitan DistrictThe BOCC approved $50,000 in revenue from the Falcon Highlands Metropolitan District for the road and bridge 2015 budget. The developer of Falcon Highlands Filing No. 1 and No. 2 failed to complete the public roadway improvements within those two subdivision filings, which caused the BOCC to designate bond funds to ensure completion. The FHMD is contributing the $50,000 to help pay for the repairs, and has agreed to make the funds available in the 2015 Default Subdivision Improvement Project budget.Falcon Regional ParkThe BOCC approved the first amendment of the general services contract with N.E.S., Inc., granting them permission to prepare the final design plans and construction documents for Phase 1 of Falcon Regional Park.Shamrock RanchThe David A. and Mary Anne Wismer Family Trust requested an exemption on a 5-acre parcel, currently zoned as residential rural, from the requirements of platting. The site is located on the private driveway east of State Highway 83, about 1.6 miles north of Shoup Road. The family trust would like to gift the parcel that includes a residence to a retired member of the clergy. The board approved the request.