Town of CalhanFollowing a hearing on the subject, the El Paso County Board of County Commissioners approved a memorandum of understanding between the county and the Town of Calhan regarding maintenance of a portion of Golden Street, located within Calhan. The resolution called for the county and Calhan to share funding, estimated at $12,500 each.Trey Lane name changeThe commissioners approved a name change for Trey Lane, located west of the 7-Eleven (off Meridian Road, connecting to Bent Grass Meadows Drive). The new name is Meridian Park Drive.Falcon Highlands Market Place Filing No. 2The BOCC approved the first partial release of a bond for public improvements for the Falcon Highlands Market Place Filing No. 2 in the amount of $145,529.50. Sixty-seven percent of the public improvements in the subdivision have been completed and inspected, and the funds representing those improvements are ready for release from the county.Meridian Ranch Filing 8The BOCC heard a request from GTL Development, LLC for approval of the final plat for Meridian Ranch Filing 8. The 55.56-acre plat is located off the extension of Rainbow Bridge Drive, between Rex Road and Londonderry Drive. The plans include 145 single-family lots on 31.62 acres, 12.10 acres of rights-of-way and 11.84 acres of tracts for open space, a community park, drainage and utility uses.The commissioners approved the request.